My Selangor Story Results Party
MSS bloggers, media personnels, sponsors and Tourism Selangor crew met up at DELIcious @ Marc for the results party on Tuesday~ My second visit to DELIcious was greeted by its signature classy white interior design and good food and camaraderie~ =)
Mummy Amelia was of course there to greet us~
Playing lil tricks on us, she eventually revealed the winners of MSS~
List of Winners for MSS 2010
Dania Ryezel - Grand Prize
Tian Chad - 1st Runner Up
Thristhan - 2nd Runner Up
MsXeroz - Most Creative Blog
Eyriqazz - Most Interactive Blog
Dylan - Best write-up
KK - Best Video
Feeq - Best Photos
Congratulations to all the winners of MSS 2010 from the bottom of my heart~
You guys are a bunch of awesome bloggers and truly deserve to win this! =)
The MSS 2010 family =)
After the prize giving ceremony, it was tea time~ ^___^
DELIcious wooed us at once with its cute bite size delicacies~ ❤❤❤
It took me much effort to not go for a second round as the amount of food provided was just nice for the people who attended.. =P I totally loved the spaghetti and..
this!! ^^
though i dont know what its called but i really like the deco~ =P
In conclusion,
The MSS 2010 was a huge success!!!
For those who missed it, no worries, cuz MSS 2011 will be coming soon!! =)
Denise's Thoughts
MSS was truly truly an amazing experience for me..
Initially, i joined the contest just for fun.. 6D5Ns of FREE luxurious travel around Selangor leh~ Who would be so stupid as to give it a pass? =P I had a blog so.. joinlah~ haha..
Besides the VIP + red carpet treatment we had throughout the trip, what I really enjoyed was the time I spent together with my fellow MSS bloggers~ Such a mix of different people from different places all shared one common interest - blogging~ There's totally nothing like it! Everywhere we went, I personally felt that i was with a group of paparazzi the whole time! Almost half of us had big pro-looking DSLRs hanging around their necks while the rest of us was armed with a Pentax camera, flashing at anything and everything no matter where we went~
Common topics on the table would be about cameras, events and of course, blogging~ =P Even though MSS is a blogging competition, we were never really rivals fighting for victory but more like friends going for a trip and having fun.. =)

Furthermore, I've really learned a lot about blogging~ (cuz i didn't have much knowledge to begin with XD) Before MSS, blogging to me was a way to keep up with my friends.. a group of my friends had blogs, so we would be reading and commenting on each other's blogs.. besides that, it was a lil online diary to keep track of all the events and dates that I simply don't want to forget.. it's just that simple~ =) However, after MSS.. I've learnt of the importance and how influential social media such as blogs truly are.. Some people blog for money, some their passion like running, traveling and etc, while some blog just for fun and about their life.. Now, everywhere i look on the internet are blogs! Its like seeing the blogging world for the first time! I must have been living under a rock before MSS~ XD haha..

MSS has truly been an eye opening experience for me.. A huge thank you to the organisers, Horizon Communications, Tourism Selangor, the gracious sponsors and hosts and to all the amazing MSS bloggers~*japanese bow*
Thank Q!